Posted by: schmoffly | October 23, 2008

The Sarah Palin Chronicles

Why are you doing this to me, Sarah? Why!? All I want is a nice clear cut Republican path to the presidency and you are throwing mud and leaves and sticks and briars all over the path! Why are tripping people up with all of your mud and leaves?! (click for article) reports that Sarah Palin is under investigation to determine if she unfairly fired Alaska’s public safety director, Walt Monegan, this summer. Seems that Palin wanted Monegan to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten after Wooten went through a divorce with Palin’s sister. Monegan would not do it, and all of sudden he is told to clean off his desk and go home because he has been fired. Both Sarah Palin and her husband are undergoing disposition hearings to determine if Monegan’s claims are true.

I believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, but the more I dig up on Sarah Palin, the more I wonder how much crap I am actually going to find.


  1. Sarah Palin made another statement recently regarding her duties as VP. When she was first asked about this before she was selected by McCain, she was honest and said she didn’t know what the duties were. Now she has twice said that the VP can work with congress to make laws. Not once but twice. Once in the Katie Curric interview and then again just recently with an interview in Colorado KUSA. Is she retarded? She doesn’t even know what her duties would be for the office she is running for?

  2. I know what you mean- I have read that as well. *sigh*

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